Assurance Program

Regional Hospice Assurance Program is driven by spiritual and psychosocial needs. The Assurance Program is unique to Regional Hospice and is available at no cost to you or your loved ones; it is designed for individuals who have stabilized and have been discharged from Regional Hospice services. This program is also available to anyone who has been evaluated for hospice admission but does not currently meet eligibility requirements.

Hospice Social Workers and/or Hospice Chaplains make monthly visits to the individual to provide support. Licensed nurses are available to make recommendations but are not involved in a “hands-on” manner. The Interventions Program in no way limits the services provided by other agencies.

Medical management is to be addressed by the individual, family, facility staff, or attending physician, but unfortunately, medication and medical equipment benefits are not available through this elective program.

The individual’s family will be contacted after each visit, and the individual’s status for hospice eligibility will be reviewed monthly by the Hospice Social Worker and/or Hospice Chaplain. A licensed Hospice Nurse will complete a full evaluation at the six-month mark. Upon completion of this evaluation, a decision will be made regarding hospice admission, depending if hospice eligibility requirements are met. Should the individual’s needs be met, and if the requirements for hospice admission are not met, the individual will be discharged from the Assurance Program.